Mittwoch, 19. April 2023

Minor-attracted Person

by  Mngent 

It is being a pedo not a “m.a.p.”  — and anyone who just struggled with traumas/issues keeping to them-selves wouldn't want to wave a flag around, telling the world about it and how they should support them, etc., so it literally only appeals to people out trying to normalize being a pedo. 

People with issues don't seek acceptance and support to embrace the issue and their “lifestyle choices” for “being born that way” they seek to fix it as they see it is a problem and they would try to deal with it like any mental health problem.

The whole woke cult logic agenda is literally telling everyone love mental health problems, embrace them, everyon’s a bigot if they don’t support you not trying at all to deal with your mental health issues — they should just let you express them all to your hearts content.

So why even give them medications or therapy? If your just going to give them brain damage with drugs and tell them its everyone else go be you...

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