... fragt sich Dana Allen in »AUN — Americas Uncersored News«:
... steht da einleitend, und weiter unten folgt ein noch aufschlußreicherer Absatz:If we review how Ferguson has been handled by the news media and government, it indicates either a purposeful attempt to generate racial paranoia, violence and riots, or a case of incompetence and foolishness by those same two parties that is hard to fathom.
It is the number one cause of death for young black people that live in 90% or higher Democrat districts, it is being murdered. Who is murdering them? Almost exclusively it is Black Democrats. White on Black violent crime is so rare that the federal government rounds it off to zero. Seriously. So what MSNBC and others are doing to generate racism and racial paranoia, to get Black people to fear White people, is getting them to fear a nonexistent danger. At the same time those lies cause riots, hatred, and real deaths. Unfortunately there may be many more deaths if the Grand Jury does not do what the modern day lynch mob wants it to do. The news media and politicians like Obama, Holder and Sharpton, by getting Black people to fear non-existent dangers, prevents the real dangers from being addressed.
Das alles kommt uns doch irgendwie bekannt vor: »Gefahr von rechts« — und wie all die alten Antifa-Sprüche so lauten. Cui bono? — Diese Frage ist natürlich gaaaanz Autobahn, denn sie kann in Amerika (wie bei uns ebenso) einfach und plausibel beantwortet werden:
Riots have been started before as a ploy to increase the power of the government and take away citizen rights. What happens in riots? Martial Law is declared. [...]The declaration of Martial Law would benefit those who are promoting racial paranoia in Ferguson, because of who is in the White House now. All of the racial paranoia promoters in Ferguson are politically aligned with President Obama. What do you think are the motives of Obama, Sharpton and MSNBC in promoting mob rule in Ferguson? Why are people being led to believe the police officer is guilty before a trial and it is a cause for rioting if he is not indicted?
Oft wird behauptet, daß einfache Antworten notwendigerweise falsche Antworten seien. Möglich, daß die falsch aus der Sicht der Machthaber sind. Das hindert nicht, daß sie möglicherweise aus der Sicht der Wahrheit die richtigen sind ...
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