Dienstag, 14. April 2015

Sie machen in jede Hose, die man ihnen hinhält!

The Finnish parliament has cancelled a discussion event where the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, known for his depictions of the prophet Mohammed. The Secretary General of the Finnish parliament said that the cancellation was made on Security Intelligence Police advice.

A planned discussion event due to be held on parliamentary premises, and organised by Finns Party MP Mika Raatikainen, has been cancelled on the advice of the Security Intelligence Police (Supo). Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who is mainly known for drawing the prophet Mohammed, was due to attend the event to discuss freedom of speech issues.

According to a press release from parliament, the decision was made due to a threat assessment from Supo and because the event was not directly related to parliament’s work… (Quelle)
Statt umgehend dafür zu sorgen, daß bspw. flächendeckend dieses entlarvende Poster im Großformat an allen Litfaßsäulen und Plakatwänden affichiert wird:

... scheißen sie in die Hose und unterwerfen sich dem Diktat einiger fanatischer Wirrköpfe, die glauben, daß ihnen die Wahrheit über ihren »Propheten« nicht zumutbar wäre ...

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