... betitelt Eric Margolis einen recht beunruhigenden Artikel auf »LeRockwell«:
The wildly exaggerated threat of so-called Islamic terrorism is being shamelessly used by some western governments to boost their flagging fortunes at a time of economic malaise.Marketing fear is a sure-fire political ploy, as the Bush administration showed. But if you think promotion of “terrorism” hysteria in order to curtail democratic freedoms is something new, have a look at Germany, 1933.In that year, Germany’s democratic Weimar republic was foundering under economic depression, mass unemployment and raging hyper-inflation. The Reichstag, or parliament, was deadlocked between bitterly feuding parties, including the minority National Socialists, led by Adolf Hitler, the Catholics, Socialists, and Communists.In Berlin, on the night of February 23, 1933, the Reichstag was burned down by a massive fire set by an arsonist. A young Dutch Communist found on the premises was charged with the arson attack. Germany was outraged and horrified by the crime – as much as was America after 9/11.The Communists, of course, quickly blamed the National Socialists (or Nazis, for short). But the most likely culprit was indeed the Dutch Communist.Five days later, Weimar President Paul Hindenberg, a conservative and war hero, signed a new act known as the Reichstag Fire Decree that suspended free speech and assembly and many legal protections. It gave government the right to arrest “terrorists” under a state of emergency.
Nein, es sind keine angenehmen Aussichten, die sich uns bieten. Und sie werden angesichts der immer ausgefeilteren Methoden, derer sich unsere Staatsverbrecher bei Planung, Begehung und Vertuschung ihrer diversen false-flag-Aktionen bedienen, um nichts angenehmer. Am unangenehmsten ist freilich die Erkenntnis, daß durch die perfektionierte Gehirnwäsche jener 80% an Stimmvieh (die ja jede Wahl entscheiden!) ein Fortschreiten »auf Hitlers Pfaden« (wie Margolis es treffend nennt) nicht bloß auf keinen Widerstand, sondern sogar auf Zustimmung stößt:
George W. Bush was re-elected thanks to Midwestern soccer moms who feared Osama bin Laden was about to swoop down from the Hindu Kush and make off with their little Johnnies.Something similar is happening again in North America, Australia and New Zealand. Many fear ISIS is outside Peoria or Winnipeg. Scared people readily accept dictators.
Eine Erkenntnis, die jeden freiheitsliebenden Menschen eigentlich in Alarm versetzen müßte. Und doch weniger Reaktion im Lager der (selbsternannten) »Libertären« auslöst, als angebracht wäre ...
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