... fragt eine Muselmanen-Seite voll heuchlerischer Bestürzung und »informiert« dann ihre Leser über dinge, die diese doch sicher nie-nie-nie-nie von der Bevölkerung in den Ländern der Rechtgläubigen erwartet hätten:
Many experts are of the opinion that the pornography addiction topic is well known by the Imams in western countries, but it is an area they dare not enter into out of fear of providing acknowledgement of the issue. They would rather pretend that none of the muslims in their area suffers from a pornography addiction, and that the problem just isnt a concern. The acknowledgement of the situation is even worse in Islamic nations, with experts having knowledge of the issue also remaining silent on the sidelines.
Pornography is an issue that the Islamic states need to deal with immediately, as figures show that consumption may already be spiralling out of control. Google recently released data detailing where the most sex related term searches were originating from, and muslim nation Pakistan came in at first place. For those who think that Pakistan may just be a blip on the radar, think again. Muslim states actually held 6 of the top 8 positions for searchers intending to seek access to sex related sites. The complete top 10 were:
1. Pakistan 2. Egypt
3. Vietnam 4. Iran 5. Morocco
6. India 7. Saudi Arabia 8. Turkey
9. Phillipines
10. Poland
Even more disgusting were the statistics for various animal sex terms, where Pakistan once again led the field across most areas. A suggestion for them to rename their nation as Pornistan would not be out of the question, as they were the country that produced the most searches for sexual terms for the animals pigs, donkeys, dogs, cats, horses, cows, goats, snakes, monkeys, bears, elephants, and the generic term animal.
Saudi Arabia was the only country to generate more searches than Pornistan for an animal, coming in at position 1 for ‘fox sex’. They also finished second or third for a good number of the abovementioned animal terms. Other muslim countries to register top 5 positions for those terms were, in order of prominence, Iran, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Morocco and the UAE.
Other interesting statistics were Turkey ranking number 2 for ‘child porn’, and arabic being the language used 2nd most for searches for ‘gay man’, ‘gay sex’, and ‘gay girl’. Egypt led the pack when it came to ‘fat sex’ and ‘bird sex’, Indonesia was first for ‘homo sex’, and Saudi Arabia up front, or should I say back, for ‘ass sex’. Pornistan also led the searches for the terms ‘children sex’, ‘sexy child’, ‘sexy children’, and ‘rape’.
Recht amüsant zu lesen, wie apologetisch die meisten Kommentarpostings sofort die Tugendhaftigkeit ihrer muselmanischen Länder und ihrer Bewohner verteidigen (so frei nach dem Motto: »... this is all wrong and misrepresentation of facts ...«). Nun, irgendwie erinnert mich die selbstgerechte Aufregung so ein wenig an ... na, lassen wir das, bevor unsere Bloginquisitoren die nächste Runde ausrufen, Bikini-Blondinen in effigie zu verbrennen.
Was tun, sprach Zeus? Nun, das hier, beispielsweise:
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