Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2022

Thelma and Louise

von LePenseur
»Europe and the United States Go Thelma and Louise« übertitelt Larry Johnson einen recht interessanten Artikel über die derzeitige Politik des Westens.
Sorry to burden you with film references, but this iconic scene from Thelma and Louise seems to capture the current zeitgeist infecting Europe and the United States:

I will leave it to you to decide if Europe is Thelma or Louise. In either case, this is a suicide pact that the United States and Europe are jointly executing without taking time to think about the ultimate consequences of their current actions.

Both the United States and Europe have expressed openly their goal of getting rid of Vladimir Putin. Putin, in their juvenile world, is the source of all suffering and all evil. Quite a powerful guy according to Western mythology. Yet–irony alert–it is the leaders in the West that are being toppled. Joe Biden’s party is facing a massive rebuke in the upcoming November election. Italy gave the Prime Minister reins to an outspoken Conservative–a clear rejection of the traditional political hacks that had been in charge in Italy. And the United Kingdom is in the grips of a record setting meltdown of its political order. 
Interessant auch viele der Kommentare (ich könnte neidisch werden, wenn ich an den Unsinn denke, den die Trolle hier üblicherweise abliefern).

Jedenfalls: lesenswerte, wenngleich nicht unbedingt erhebende Morgenlektüre. Erbauliches kann man ja beim heutigen Gottesdienstbesuch nachholen ...

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