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Dear Sir.»Obscured« trifft die Sache in der Tat (bzw. »indeed«, wie der gelernte Angelsachse sagen würde ...)
Pardon my intrusion; my name is Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, presently I'm on active duty in Afghanistan. Please, I have an obscured business proposal that will be of mutual benefit to both of us.
On Saturday 10th of March, my colleagues and I intercepted a radical Taliban courier transporting huge amounts of funds and on this unfortunate incident, we rounded up a total of US$15,9 Million United States Dollars.»It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good«, kennen wir, so ist das Leben bzw. »such is life« ...
After detailed discussion with my platoon, we came to a conclusion that if the funds are handed over to the Afghan Police, there is the possibility that the funds will be confiscated for their personal consumption. Therefore, it was my duty to find a partner whom will receive this fund for the benefit of us all.Geniale Idee — warum einen Fund an öffentlich-rechtliche Gauner abgeben, wenn man ihn als privater Gauner auch einstecken kann ...
With all due humility, I want you to be our partner in receiving this funds. The funds will be moved out of this country through an air cargo transport means and all you are required to do is receive the funds confidentially for our mutual benefit.Das alles kennen wir bereits von Mr. Obobo Wumumba (et al.), Director of the »International Credit Bank of Lagos, Nigeria«. Aber jetzt wird's originell, weil moralisch:
Be assured that this fund has been carefully contained and there is no need to worry about the source as we will not do anything that will bring problems to you or traced back to us.
For your honest participation in this deal, we are ready to split it into three equal parts and you keep one part for your self and the rest you send to where I will instruct you.
Sir, please this is not about the money, but it is the fact if this funds is returned it will probably be used to buy more weapons and cause more killing here. I come from a generation of military personels and I know that my word is my life but this is getting out of hand here and I just have to do this, so please if you are not willing to work with us, I can understand.Na, da sind wir aber froh, daß er Verständnis hat, wenn ich nicht mit ihm zusammenarbeiten will. Zum Drüberstreuen noch ein paar Infos:
See link to learn more about my family;Die Benutzung einer Email-Adresse von »rocketmail.com« finde ich irgendwie putzig. Wirkt so authentisch. Also: wer will, kann diese Information gerne nutzbringend verwenden. Sobald das versprochene Drittel am Konto gelandet ist, ersuchen wir um kurze Mitteilung an diesen Blog, um Ihnen gebührend gratulieren zu können. Und um Bekanntgabe einer Kontonummer für unsere Kranzspende. Soviel Pietät muß sein ...
If you are willing, please send me an email A.S.A.P. with your contact telephone and address to this email address: andrewf@rocketmail.com.
Best regards,
Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara
1 Kommentar:
diesen Scheiß bekomme ich auch fast wöchentlich,ich muß immer lachen,wenn ich den Müll sehe.Mir tutn nur die Menschen leid,die gutgläubig sind und ihr hart verdientes geld solchen Drecksäcken in den A.... stecken
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