Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

Ach, hätten wir doch BBC ... (II)

... statt ORF/ARD/ZDF, dann hätten wir aktuelle Meldungen wie diese hier:
There have been a number of explosions and fires at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, following Friday's earthquake and tsunami.

How great a danger do these problems pose for people in Japan and further afield?

Has there been a leakage of radioactive material?
Yes. Local government officials in Fukushima said on Monday that 190 people have been exposed to some radiation. High levels of radiation have caused at least one temporary evacuation of staff at the power plant, and higher than normal levels of radiation have been registered in Tokyo, 150 miles (240km) away.

How much radioactive material has escaped?
The International Atomic Energy Agency has described it as a level four event on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), which is used for an accident "with local consequences". This indicates that the release is not considered large enough to cause serious contamination to a large area.

(Hier weiterlesen)
Und Statements wie diese:
Some interesting comments on the psychological impact of nuclear crises from David Spiegelhalter, professor of the public understanding of risk at the University of Cambridge: "Nuclear issues really tick all the boxes when it comes to peoples' fears. It's been researched very well that it's an area where all the things that make people shudder come to the fore," he tells the BBC World Service. "The idea of some sort of invisible threat, something you can't see - it's associated with cancer, people don't feel in control of it, you cannot just get to the high ground." Prof Spiegelhalter adds that fear is exacerbated by the fact that most people do not understand the science behind nuclear power. "There is a real emotional, gut feeling response to it. And of course it is usually tied in with trust - with trust in authorities, in the electricity company and in what you are being told. And that takes a long time to build up, even in situations when there is no apparent risk. So it's a very tricky issue."

Following reports that several governments plan to reconsider their nuclear strategy after the events in Japan, science journalist Angela Saini tells the BBC World Service that this makes sense in seismically active zones. "But it would would just be reckless to throw energy policy up in the air because of an incident that affected one country, [it's] almost freakishly rare for there to be an earthquake and a tsunami and for emergency services to be overwhelmed like that," she says.
Statt dessen bekommen wir — bspw. vom ORF — nebulos-informationsarme Infotainment-Kost vorgesetzt, wie diese hier:
Auch wenn der Betreiber des japanischen Unglücks-AKW Fukushima I am Mittwoch erste Anzeichen für eine Entspannung sieht, erscheint die Lage weiter außer Kontrolle. Brände in den Reaktoren 3 und 4 in der Nacht auf Mittwoch und Berichte über eine kritische Situation in Reaktorblock 5 deuten auf eine weitere Verschlechterung der Lage.
Irgendwie erinnert mich letzteres an das berühmte Telegramm aus Torbergs Tante Jolesch: »Seid besorgt — Brief folgt« ...

1 Kommentar: hat gesagt…

"Reaktor 5: Wasserstand sinkt und Druck steigt - 5.198 bestätigte
Todesopfer - AKW könnte bald wieder mit Strom versorgt werden"

(Man merkt die Absicht und ist verstimmt.)