Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Hairy Women for Bush Fans of All Political Persuations

»University offers female students extra credit for not shaving their armpits«
... informiert uns Manchmal weiß man heutzutage im Internet nicht mehr, wo die Berichterstattung endet und die Satire beginnt:
Female Arizona State University students can receive extra credit for defying social norms and refusing to shave for 10 weeks during the semester.

Women and Gender Studies Professor Breanne Fahs, encourages her female students to cease shaving their underarms and legs during the semester and document their experiences in a journal.

Student Stephanie Robinson said it was a “life changing experience.”

“Many of my friends didn’t want to work out next to me or hear about the assignment, and my mother was distraught at the idea that I would be getting married in a white dress with armpit hair,” Robinson told ASU news.

Men are also allowed to receive extra credit, as long as they shave their bodies from the neck down.

Fahs says the experiment illustrates social issues with gender roles, particularly with the male participants.

“One guy did his shaving with a buck knife,” Fahs said. “Male students tend to adopt the attitude of, ‘I’m a man; I can do what I want.”
Falsch, Frau Professor! Es müßte
Feminist professors tend to adopt the attitude of, I’m a woman; I can do what I want.”

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