Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2023


by  Mngent 
Russia Says It Obtained 20,000 Documents on U.S. Biowarfare Program in Ukraine
An officer with Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense (RCB) Troops claims that the Russian military has obtained over 20,000 documents related to U.S. bioweapons programs in Ukraine.

“Over the period of the special military operation, Russian troops have secured over 20,000 documents, references and analytical materials, and interviewed eyewitnesses and participants in American military-biological programs,” RCB Troops Chief Igor Kirillov said in a Monday briefing in Moscow.

The official claims the materials confirm the Pentagon’s intent to create biological weapons in Ukraine and test them on the population.

“The Pentagon is actively transferring unfinished research in the framework of Ukrainian projects to the states of Central Asia and Europe,” the officer said.

The official also claimed that the U.S. has been relocating Ukrainian specialists working on bioweapons to Western countries and transferring biological materials out of Ukraine.

Kirillov raised questions about the EcoHealth Alliance’s research on coronavirus strain transmission, the preparedness of U.S. pharmaceutical companies to create mRNA vaccines, and the pandemic planning by U.S. officials and business leaders.

“Earlier, we informed you about the work being carried out at Boston University to enhance the pathogenic properties of COVID-19, funded by U.S. government money, and about the possible involvement of USAID in the emergence of a new coronavirus,” he said.

“The key role in the implementation of these projects belongs to the EcoHealth Alliance intermediary. Documents received from DTRA confirm that since 2015, specialists from this entity have been studying the diversity of the bat population, searching for new strains of the coronavirus, mechanisms of their transmission from animals to humans. In total, more than 2,500 specimens were studied,” Kirillov added.

The official also claimed that the U.S. conducts controversial research in Ukraine, such as experiments related to HIV infections, that violate international law.

“We have repeatedly pointed out that the United States carries out its most controversial research, from the point of view of international law, outside its own territory,” the officer said. “One example is the experiments related to HIV infections conducted by American specialists on the territory of Ukraine since 2019. Please take note of the fact that the target groups are not only ‘patients at high risk of infection’—like people in prison or those suffering from drug addiction, but also personnel from the Ukraine’s Armed Forces.”

Kirillov also raised questions about the high degree of preparedness by American manufacturers to create mRNA vaccines specifically against coronaviruses.

“One gets the impression that pharmaceutical companies developed vaccines in advance, but could not bring them to market quickly due to the specificities of virus, which subsequently manifested itself in the low effectiveness of vaccination and numerous adverse reactions,” Kirillov said.

The officer pointed to October 18, 2019, “two months before the first official reports of the emergence of a new coronavirus infection in China,” when “Johns Hopkins University, with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, held the Event-201 exercise in New York. In the course of this event, steps were practiced in the context of an epidemic involving a previously unknown coronavirus, which, according to legend, would be transferred from bats to humans through an intermediate host—a pig.”

“The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic precisely in accordance with the [Event-201] scenario raises questions about its possible deliberate nature, U.S. involvement, as well as the real goals of U.S. bioprograms aimed at enhancing the properties of dangerous pathogens,” he went on to say.

Kirillov also claims that there is growing public concern and protest over the activities of U.S.-funded biological laboratories in the post-Soviet space.

“I would like to note that the publication by Russia on the Pentagon’s military biological programs in Ukraine have received significant public interest. Mass demonstrations against the activities of U.S.-funded biological laboratories have taken place in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Public organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union have adopted a resolution against biolabs funded by the Pentagon. A number of investigations have also been initiated inside the U.S. itself,” he said.

Finally, the RCB officer argued that while Russia has raised these issues on international platforms, the U.S. is not open to discussion.

“The concern of the world community related to the activities of Pentagon-funded biolabs is growing precipitously. Issues raised by Russia at international platforms, including the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention State Parties, as well as the United Nations Security Council, have shown a lack of U.S. willingness to engage in substantive dialogue. We consider it fundamentally important that the disclosure of facts about illegal military-biological activities has forced a number of countries to weigh the consequences of their interaction with the United States in the field of biosecurity, and take a fresh look at the need and expediency of such cooperation. The Russian Ministry of Defense will continue to work in this direction, and will keep you informed,” Kirillov concluded.


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