Freitag, 11. März 2011

Mein Spamfilter beraubte mich fast des Vergnügens

... die neueste Variante des Nigerianischen Hütchenspiels kennenzulernen. Mr. James Lukemon fühlte sich bemüßigt, mir folgendes Mail zu schicken:
Von: "Mr. James Lukemon"


Attention Sir/Ma,

After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union and MoneyGram Office, we found your name in Western Union database amongst those that have sent money through Western Union to Nigeria and this proves that you have truly been swindled by those unscrupulous persons by sending money to them through Western Union/MoneyGram in the course of getting one fund or the other that is not real.

right now we are working hand to hand with Western Union to track every fraudsters down, do not respond to their e-mails, letters and phone calls any longer as they are scammers and you should be very careful to avoid being a victim to fraudsters any longer because they have nothing to offer you but to rip-off what you have worked earnestly hard to earn.

In this regard a meeting was held between the Board of Directors of The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and as a consequence of our investigations iwas agreed that the sum of One Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars (US$1,700,000.00) should be transferred to you out of the funds that Federal Government of Nigeria has set aside as a compensation to everyone who have by one way or the other sent money to fraudsters in Nigeria.

***Please note that we will no longer be liable for any loss, cost or expense whatsoever, suffered or incurred by You in connection with the fraudsters.

Be warned! We have deposited your fund at Western Union Money Transfer agent location EMS Post office Lagos, Nigeria.

We have submitted your details to them so that your fund can be transferred to you. We have paid the Registration and Transfer fees and for security reasons we have also insured your fund to avoid misappropriation.

Contact the Western Union agent office through any of the email addresses stated below;

Contact Person: Amaechi Eze
Contact Email :
Contact Phone : +234-709-140-5177

Yours sincerely,
James Lukemon,
Investigation Officer.

Please note that e-mails, letters and phone calls are currently been made to unsuspecting persons by fraudsters claiming to have access to their funds. Everyday, people throughout the world are falling victim to scams of one way or the other. It could be an unexpected prize draw or lottery win, or a chance to invest in an exciting new money-making or investment programme . In the circumstance, we unreservedly advice you to dissociate yourself from all correspondence and transactions entered into based on evidently fraudulent and fictitious claims.
Also: »... evidently fraudulent and fictitious claims« — das trifft's doch irgendwie.

»ABORT ALL TRANSACTION«. Aber ja! Mr. Lukemon, mach' ma doch gern — und das mit dem »abort« wäre schon früher eine Idee gewesen ...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ja, es ist wirklich interessant, was sich zur Zeit alles im Posteingang findet! Ich bin jetzt mit dem ältesten Sohn von Hosni Mubarak befreundet (Dear friend!), der mich ersucht, ihm beim einsammeln der geheimen 25 Millionen US-Dollar Schwarzgeld seiner Familie behilflich zu sein. Er bräuchte von mir lediglich:

    1. Confirmation of your ability to handle this. 2. Your word that you will keep this business as confidential as possible at all times. 3. Your Name, address and telephone numbers for easy communication I will compensate you sincerely for your candid effort in this regard with thirty Percent(!!) of the total amount of Twenty Five Million US(!!) currency, The remaining seventy percent will be invested meaningfully for me and my family future. I look forward to your quick response while thanking you for your co-operation.
    Aha, der 90. Yahoo -alaa! Auf wieviele wird er wohl noch ansteigen? Ich wünsche jedenfalls ihm und seiner "familiy" eine "future" hinter schwedischen Gardinen und empfehle mich in einer "quick response" in den "Rundordner".


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