Sonntag, 20. August 2023

Just how corrupt is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

by  Mngent 

Dr. Anthony Fauci and the entire biomedical security state apparatus that peddled fear of Covid and said the only hope of defeating the virus was to wait for a new technologically advanced “vaccine” — the same “vaccine” that proved unsafe and ineffective?

We are talking about a corruption that is beyond the capacity of many Americans to comprehend.

The FDA, Fauci, the CDC, Biden, the entire U.S. medical system and the corporate media mind-controlled millions of Americans into believing that using the well-known anti-microbial drug ivermectin was a laughingstock perpetuated by quacks and conspiracy theorists.

They kicked to the curb any physician who sought to prescribe ivermectin to his or her patients infected with Covid. Despite the fact that ivermectin has been FDA-approved for use in humans for decades, this same deep-state apparatus made it sound like ivermectin was just a “horse drug” that stupid people were dangerously ingesting in a failed attempt to ward off Covid.

They mocked and derided us. Telling us we were using “horse paste” that was meant solely for livestock, when it was a known fact that ivermectin, while used to protect equines and bovines from various viral infections, is just as effective in humans.

Now comes the bombshell report we’ve all been waiting for, exposing who the real quacks have been all along, detailing how they suppressed the administering of a well-known, very effective drug during the heat of the Covid pandemic that could have saved millions of lives.

The Epoch Times reports that doctors are now free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, two years after millions were killed by doctors listening to Fauci and the FDA’s advice not to treat them with a known effective drug.

It all came out this week in litigation against the FDA.

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