Samstag, 15. Januar 2022

Die Umvolkungs-Agenda

von LePenseur

... wird nicht nur in EUropa betrieben, sondern auch in den USA, wie man sieht:

Where do all the illegals go? If this is true, and it seems to be, the illegal aliens are above the law under the Biden administration. We have been seeing Illegals crossing the border—unscathed. There are buses waiting for them—who arranged for that? Where do the buses go? Now we know…
The Government is making arrangements with Homewood Suites for one, paying them to fill hotels up with illegals. The government is contracting with bus companies and moving them to red states and sanctuary cities. The Government is contracting to feed them. The hotels are closed for normal business.

On Monday night, TGP’s Jordan Conradson investigated the Homewood Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona after receiving a tip that it was an illegal immigrant safe house. The hotel is located at 9880 N Scottsdale Rd. When Conradson arrived at the hotel, every entrance was barricaded, and he had to park down the street. He walked up to the hotel and greeted some officers. This is incredible.There’s a safe house for illegal immigrants being secretly maintained without our knowledge – until now, Conradson did some digging…

Conradson: What’s going on here?
LES Officer: You actually need to leave the property, it’s actually a closed hotel.
Conradson: Oh, so what’s going on?
LES Officer: This is a private property man.
Conradson: But what’s going on?
LES Officer: If you want to get information for that you need to go to
Conradson: I heard that they were harboring illegal immigrants here. Is that true?
LES Officer: You can go to the website and they’ll give you as much information as they can.
Conradson: Who do you work for?
LES Officer: I’m contracted with LES, it’s a law enforcement contract service company.
Conradson: Why aren’t people allowed on the premises?
LES Officer: You can go to to get information for that other than that this is closed, this is private property from the company that’s here.

Guess what the story behind Endeavors is…ENDEAVORS.ORG is the website for Family Endeavors, a San Antonio nonprofit tied to the Biden administration. They received an $87 million no-bid contract in March to clothe and shelter illegal immigrants. They then received ANOTHER contract for $530 MILLION shortly after.

It’s all been masterminded by the Biden Administration right under the noses of Americans living in Scottsdale. But there’s more.

A Selrico Services food van pulled out of the parking lot. Selrico is a food service company that is also based in San Antonio. They must be contracted to provide food for those in this country illegally. So not only are these illegal aliens being housed at taxpayer expense, they’re being fed at our expense too! They get all this free and then we’re sent the bill through taxation. Conradson wanted to find out who specifically was organizing all this. Conradson called the local police station since he could not get any answers from the representatives at the hotel
Conradson: I would like to know what is going on at the Homewood Suites on Scottsdale Rd. and Mountainview. Do you have any information about what’s going on there?
Dispatcher: Nothing outside of the fact that it’s being monitored by ICE and that we have police presence there from other agencies 24/7.
Conradson: Who is managing the hotel?
Dispatcher: I don’t have that information exactly.
Conradson: But ICE is in there 24/7?
Dispatcher: Yeah, it’s being monitored by them and outside agencies.
Conradson: Do you know what the outside agencies are?
Dispatcher: I think it’s just a mix of all Arizona state agencies.
Conradson: Are they communicating with you on how many people they’re bringing into Scottsdale, into the hotel?
Dispatcher: I don’t have any specifics on it.
Conradson: Where do I find more information?
Dispatcher: You could try to look up any of the ICE numbers online and see if they give any further.
Conradson: Do you have any information on exactly what’s going on? I mean obviously, they’re harboring illegal immigrants, but do you know anything else?
Dispatcher: No we don’t have any further.
The Deep State inside Arizona is a part of this, and so is ICE and the police. It’s all one unified effort to keep this a secret from the American people. Here’s exactly what is at stake. This is atrocious. Over 600 MILLION DOLLARS are funding this operation to flood red*) counties with illegal residents and brand new Democrat voters, and it’s costing the American taxpayers money and it’s putting the American people in DANGER.

Instead of protecting American citizens, officers are being paid by our tax dollars to protect non-citizens who are invading our communities. The globalist elites who govern this country are attempting to change the population so that it votes in the way that they prefer. They don’t care about any of the Americans currently living here. They just want to replace them with people from other countries. And they’re doing their best to keep it under wraps.

So share this article far and wide to raise awareness about what they’re doing, and let’s hope we can put a stop to this! Google “homewood suites immigrants” if you doubt this account. For more info on Endeavors: EXCLUSIVE: ICE gave $87M no-bid contract.



*) "red": rot ist die Parteifarbe der Republikaner.

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